Bass Fishing

Spotted Bass: Identification And How To Catch

While the vast majority of American anglers are familiar with the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), far fewer know about its cousin, the spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus). Reaching lengths of as much as two feet and weighing in at a hefty 11 pounds, the spotted bass is a prized catch wherever it’s found, though average lengths and weights are more in the neighborhood of 10 to 15 inches and one to three pounds.

Largemouth Bass Anatomy: What You Need to Know

You can tell a lot about a fish’s behavior just by looking at it. But the closer you look - and the more you know - the better you come to understand largemouth bass. And that can only help you to catch more, and larger, fish.

How to Fish a Crankbait Like a Pro: Everything You Need to Know

Today, we’re going to demystify crankbaits, giving you the full run down to improve your success with this awesome lure type.

Best Time To Fish For Bass: Catching Largemouth By Season

In many respects, spring is the most complicated season to wrap your mind around, as it includes three distinct periods of bass behavior, each driven by water temperature and time.

Best Bass Fishing in Lakes America: 12 Guaranteed Hot Spots

No fish gets American anglers as excited as largemouth bass, and from small ponds to the Great Lakes, we’re lucky to have prime fishing in nearly every state. Below, you’ll find information on 13 of the best bass fishing locations in the country and a few insider tips to get you in on the action.

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